Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Au Revoir France, Hello New York

Though for many tourists, “New York: I Love You” is a cliché saying found on numerous memorabilia, tucked away on street corner shops in the middle of Manhattan, to the citizens of New York it is a way of life; a whispering telling of their hidden everyday stories.

Bringing these stories to life through a kaleidoscopic and philosophical venture hails an anthology film from 11 independent movie directors on the mysteries of love in the Big Apple.

Reminiscent of 2006 film Paris Je T’aime, the movie New York: I Love You joins 12 various love narratives, which do not always end in happily ever after. Stepping into each story for no longer than 5 to 6 minutes, the viewer becomes a voyeur, given a glimpse into the stone cold reality of New York’s forgotten and elite, where the drama knows no pause button.

Bidding farewell to the Eiffel Tower and welcoming in the Empire State Building, the film, like its predecessor, is a continuation of an intricate look into all genres of human connection. Though meant to be relatable in several aspects, especially for candid New Yorker’s, the film does carry a twinge of fairytale risqué throughout its path setting a dangerously idealistic promise of love for all who watch.

Nevertheless, amid a slightly distorted message which rings by “every moment…love begins,” there lies a renowned cast of actors, such as Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, lusciously coaxing you to take a bite of the city that never sleeps.

The movie is due out in select theatres October 16, 2009.

For more information about this movie and locations near you please visit: http://newyorkiloveyouthemovie.com

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